What type of business leader are you?
When it comes to developing your knowledge so that you 'know what to do in your business', which option do you choose?
Think back to the last speaker that you listened to, the last workshop, webinar or class that you attended or article from an expert that you read. Estimate what percentage of the content you remember. Then estimate how much of the learnings (that were relevant to you and your business) did you action.
Why innovation is vital for SMEs
The word ‘innovation’ gets bandied about a lot, especially from corporates or the media. But what does it actually mean and why is it so important for small to medium-sized business?
What is a Design Hack?
What is a Design Hack? The design element comes from Design Thinking or Human-Centred Design. Putting together a hack is a shortcut to you being able to develop a creative solution to a complex problem. Involve people in the process - you never know what innovative solutions you might get!